澳門出生,1999年畢業於葡萄牙里斯本建築學院。曾於葡國韋先禮建築師事務所及法國巴黎Architecture Studio建築設計事務所工作。曾參與葡國雕塑家Domingos Soares Branco為澳門設計的中葡友誼紀念碑的設計工作。
2003至2005年於法國巴黎夏約高等建築設計研究中心(Centre des Hautes Etudes des Chaillot)修讀及完成有關歷史建築及城區的維護、修復、保存與再利用的專業課程,取得法國文化部Diplome du Centre des Hautes Etudes des Chaillot碩士後專業文憑,及法國文化遺產建築師資格。為首位獲得該法國文憑及專業資格的華人建築師。
Lui chak keong
Architect (Macao), Architecte du Patrimoine (France), Artist
PhD in Design (Cultural Heritage Conservation)
member of ICOMOS, member of ICOMOS CHINA
Born in Macao and graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Universidade Tecnica, Lisbon (Portugal) in 1999.
Between 2000 and 2003, he worked as architect at the Culture Institute of the Macao SAR Government and he was mainly engaged in conservation & restoration projects. He also participated in the elaboration of documents for the application process of Macao’s Historical Center to be classified as World Heritage.
From 2003 to 2005, he completed a specialist study on cultural heritage (conservation and reuse of ancient buildings and historical district) at Centre des Hautes Etudes des Chaillot in Paris, consequently he obtained the Diplome du Centre des Hautes Etudes des Chaillot - Post Master, as well as the professional qualification of Architecte du Patrimoine in France.
In 2006 he opened his own design studio in Macao and he works mainly in heritage site projects. (http://www.citaplanningdesign.com)
From 2008 to 2010, he was a member of the working group for the elaboration of Macao Urban Concept Plan at the Research Centre for Sustainable Development Strategies of the Macao SAR Government.
From 2014 to 2017, he was a member of Cultural Heritage Committee of the Macao SAR Government.
From 2020, he is a member of Urban Planning Commitee of the Macao SAR Government.
Besides architecture, Lui chak keong is interested in a lot of visual art activities. He practices namely painting, installation, photography, and video, and he participated in many collective and individual exhibitions, including the 52nd Venice Art Biennale and the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale.
澳門建築設計大獎 https://www.tdm.com.mo/c_video/play_video.php?id=41132
建築與藝術 https://www.tdm.com.mo/c_video/play_video.php?id=28618
建築師呂澤強 https://www.tdm.com.mo/c_video/play_video.php?id=11875
大館對談 Tai Kwun Conversations - 記憶之外:從法國到澳門的建築保育 Conserving Heritage in France and Macao
The Visible Soul - A Reflection On Architectural Intervention in a Historical Environment
HKIA Journal 61, pages 62-63